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Year 8 Week 1

I can't believe this will be my 8th year teaching. There was a time when I wasn't sure I'd make it to year 5. There is so much I want to do this year and I see good things happening.

So what did I do the first week? I started off the week with a little intoduction. When my students came in I had them complete an all about me worksheet that was TikTok themed (I completed one as well). We followed that up with a game. Meet the Teacher trivia with a 4 corner spin on it.

On Day 2, we discussed the syllabus. I got a great FREE Canva template from iteachalgebra.

Day 3 we got into the content! Started off with a Combining Like Term Picture Scramble.

Day 4 we continued to get into the routine of notes, digital activity and the procedure of exiting the classroom. On this day we covered Distributive Property. To help them get used to entering answers into Google™ Sheets, we did another picture scramble.

Day 5 was a personal favorite. I mean who doesn't love a Friday!?! They did so well throughout the week, so we played a game! First, I love any excuse to dress up for a theme, so I could not pass up the chance to be a math referee.

Hope this gives you all some ideas for your first week if you aren't back yet!

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